"We looked and sounded the same as our local competitors..."

Challenged by a digital presence that mirrored local competitors, this case study reveals how the project strategically distinguished the brand to enhance its market presence.

Identifying digital challenges & resource constraints

Infinity Energy Solutions faced significant hurdles with their existing website, which was not optimized for conversions, leading to poor user engagement and lost opportunities. Their internal resources were stretched thin, struggling to internally manage the demands of effectively enhancing their online presence while also focusing on their core business operations. The website’s design failed to capture the unique value proposition of their solar solutions and complimentary services, while its functionality did not meet the evolving expectations of their target audience.

custom and creative web designs

Enhancing online presence, while alleviating internal resource strain

We redefined the client’s website with a focus on conversions, creating a custom design that stands out and engages users effectively. This process involved tailoring the website’s visuals and user experience to better connect with the audience and encourage action.

To alleviate the client’s internal workload, we provided full support from the design phase through to optimisation, enabling their team to focus on their main business. Our streamlined approach to content management makes website updates and maintenance straightforward, ensuring the site remains fresh and functional without needing extensive technical knowledge. This strategy improved the website’s performance and simplified the management process for the client.

Solar Website Design Stockholm

Using words to stand out & position effectively in the market

These refinements are not just about word choice; they represent a deeper engagement strategy. By aligning the website’s language with the unique needs and aspirations of their audience, Infinity Energy Solutions stands out as not just a provider, but as a partner in sustainable energy solutions.

In crafting the website content for Infinity Energy Solutions, our focus was on elevating their narrative to more effectively connect with their audience. Here’s a snapshot of the strategic transformations we implemented:

The process

Vi är en mångsidig webbyrå som erbjuder strategiska lösningar inom webbdesign. Vår ambition är att skapa unika hemsidor som har kunden i fokus och är anpassade efter ditt varumärkes vision.

Understanding of target audience

We start by gaining a deep understanding of your target audience, analysing their needs, desires, concerns, and search behaviours. This information informs every aspect of your website's design to ensure it resonates with your customers. Our first step was to deeply understand the target audiences, analysing their needs, desires and concerns. These insights guided the entire design process, ensuring the website would resonate with and engage potential customers.

UI & UX Audit of existing website

With these insights, we crafted a strategic plan aiming to enhance SEO, boost conversions, and streamline user interactions. This involved auditing the existing website and identifying key areas that will drive the greatest impact in improving both its appearance and functionality.

Website design

We blended creative design with a focus on conversion, resulting in an engaging user experience that balances aesthetics with practicality. The design process emphasised intuitive navigation and compelling content layout.

Engaging through content

Focusing on tailored storytelling and strategic copywriting to engage the audience more deeply. We crafted narratives that emphasise benefits and reliability, turning basic information into compelling stories. This made the content resonate more, ensuring headlines and calls to action not only inform but also motivate visitors. Through this approach, we aimed to connect more effectively with the audience and highlight the value of solar solutions.

Enhanced local presence

We tailored the design to improve local SEO, making sure the site stands out to the local audience and targets keywords to drive organic engagement. This was crucial for enhancing online visibility within the targeted service areas.

Data-Driven Choices

Our decisions were guided by a commitment to Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) and ongoing analysis. By continually assessing website performance and user interactions, we identified opportunities for enhancement. This focus on data allowed us to make informed changes aimed at increasing conversions, ensuring the website not only attracts visitors but also effectively encourages them to take action. Through this rigorous, data-driven approach, we optimised the user experience for better performance and results.

Hemsidan - en början, inte slutet

Launching the website was just the beginning. We are committed to ongoing adaptation and improvement, aiming for continuous growth and innovation.

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cut the agency cost

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Unordinary Business hjälper företag med digitala tjänster. Letar du efter en webbyrå som erbjuder en enkel och sömlös process, höra av dig till oss. Vi kan boka in ett digitalt möte redan idag för att prata om hur vi kan hjälpa dig med just dina behov.